The unavoidable explanation how all begun  ➰➰➰  

I have long since pondered if I should add to the many words, letters, emoticons and flood of images that are published every day and if I possibly had to add something unique and worth reading. Then it dawned on me that the only way to find out would be actually doing it.

While you will judge if this blog is something you enjoy I will hopefully gain some clarity about the mysterious Eifel which I know so little about and which should be so very familiar. "What nonsense is that?" I hear you ask. Well, in my early 30s I left my native Germany to live in Scotland. Our family of two quickly became a family of four and all could have ended in a delightful "lived happily ever after"  had not a large number of Brits chosen to express their anger against the establishment by voting to leave Europe while another significant number of Brits stayed at home instead of voting against leaving in the full conviction that no one in their right mind would vote to leave the EU. The Brexit disaster turned us into brefugees and saw my younger son, my husband and me leave for Germany while my oldest stayed to hold the fort, incite a revolution or leave at a later date (this part of the story has still to be written).

We chose the Eifel for two reasons. Apparently it's lovely cool here (Prussian Siberia and all that) although this has changed radically in recent years. My mum was born in the Eifel in a wee village called Baasem near a more famous place called Kronenburg which enjoyed much popularity with a few high ranking Nazis. Though I digress. My mum loved to come to visit us in the North East of Scotland proclaiming repeatedly that it would be very much like the Eifel. So when we moved to the Eifel in 2018 to escape the consequences of Brexit we naively assumed by moving to the Eifel possible changes were not so grave. Five years on I'm still not really sure I do understand people here entirely. Then pandemic didn’t help, so it's not the Eifel's fault really but it has to be said for better or worse, the Eifel is.... well..... unique. This can be read in any possible way with all possible connotation you can think.

It does not appear that in the near future I would go anywhere I might as well explore the Eifel a little and share my findings with anyone who would like to get an inside view of the Eifel. I should perhaps mention that although I fully intend to write about the loveliest spots and attractions it will not be a travel blog. Though should you have questions or comments I will try to answer as best as I can.

Winter in Eifel
Totally unrelated yet beautuful picture of winter sun
